Quickstart: Artificial Intelligence
Course This course is aimed at managers, project leaders, and those interested in utilizing the potential of modern AI. It makes it easy for participants to identify AI use cases and discuss them with specialists. Specifically, after completing the course, participants will…
- be familiar with essential terminology from Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (ML).
- know the concepts behind modern AI such as ChatGPT and Tesla’s self-driving car.
- understand the strengths, weaknesses and risks of ML, and the economic consequences that follow.
This course is a more compact and simplified version of the course Artificial Intelligence: Fundamentals, Risks and Opportunities.
Upcoming Course Dates- Currently, no course date planned. Please contact me if you are interested and I will notify you as new courses are announced.
Early-Bird Discount: 20% off 2 months before the course, 10% off 1 month before the course. No VAT (MwSt) is charged. → Sign up now
The next dates will be determined based on demand. If you are interested, please contact me (→ Contact) so that I can inform you and to help me choose course locations.
Prior Knowledge No prior knowledge is required. A certain Computer science affinity and a math / statistics basic understanding (high school level) are helpful, but not necessary.
Logistics Intensive course with a maximum of 10 participants (except in virtual courses). Participants will receive a certificate of participation and all course materials (slides) in printed and digital form.
Detailed Course Description The course primarily uses presentations to convey theory and short exercises to reinforce it. The focus is on the essential concepts and ideas that the algorithms are based on, rather than the mathematical details that are not essential for understanding. Case studies are specifically chosen to be as practical as possible, and to illustrate the strengths, weaknesses, risks and application areas of ML. A strong focus is on “supervised learning” (e.g. image classification) and the use of large language models (Large Language Models, e.g. ChatGPT).
This course is a more compact and simplified version of the course “Understanding Artificial Intelligence”. All the topics discussed in the “Quickstart” course are also covered in the “Understanding AI” course. Therefore, attending both courses is not recommended.
Conditions For course content, booking and cancellation conditions and more, see Legal.